Synthetic Bone Grafting: An Overview of the Process, Terms, and Materials
Bones, Orthopedic, Dental JTB Imaginative LLC Bones, Orthopedic, Dental JTB Imaginative LLC

Synthetic Bone Grafting: An Overview of the Process, Terms, and Materials

Bone grafts help bones heal. Common cases that may require a bone graft include severe fractures, jaw reinforcement before dental implants, areas of missing bone due to disease such as cancer or bone infections, spinal fusion procedures, and artificial joint replacement surgeries.

Bone grafting is a dental, spinal, or orthopedic surgical procedure in which a bone replacement material is physically added to the area of missing bone. The goal of bone grafting is to have the patient’s own bone cells grow into the replacement material over time, eventually creating strong, healthy bone.

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Fascinating Fun Facts About Shark Teeth!
Nature Craig Rosenblum Nature Craig Rosenblum

Fascinating Fun Facts About Shark Teeth!

Let’s just dive right into this next topic - pun intended!

As a graduate researcher working in a materials science lab aimed to characterize the mechanical properties of dental enamel, shark teeth were always fascinating to me. Unlike humans that go through phases of temporary deciduous teeth and permanent adult teeth, the growth and evolution of shark teeth is remarkably different.

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