Logo for Himed’s MATRIX Dual® resorbable blast media surface texturing process

Innovative Process Using a Resorbable Blast Media for an Enhanced Surface Morphology

Himed’s MATRIX Dual® allows for profoundly nuanced surface texturing using our proprietary MCD Apatitic Abrasive. With Dual, multiple blast cycles of our biocompatible abrasive develop a complex surface of micro pits situated evenly across a larger macro texture. After passivation, the resulting surface morphology provides a matrix for bone regeneration which optimizes conditions for the successful integration of orthopedic and dental implants. MATRIX Dual® is the ideal solution for clients requiring uniquely precise surface characteristics that are uniformily reproducible.

MATRIX Dual® Attributes

  • Highly refined multi-step application of RBM

  • Unique interplay of macro and micro texturing

  • Uniformity of application across large or small lots

MATRIX Dual® White Paper

Learn in detail about MATRIX Dual® through four different case studies employing advanced scanning technologies. The white paper reveals important process qualities, including: the highly complex micro and macro pitting on the titanium surface, freedom from contamination, and fidelity to the size, shape, and function of the original device after treatment. REQUEST YOUR COPY >