Himed’s MCD Apatitic Abrasive Blasting Capacity Is Growing
Here at Himed, we just added a new member to our team of robots. We call it iFAB (short for “fully automated blaster”). It’s a highly-dexterous, automated industrial robot with six-axes of motion, that is contained within a new production cell. The iFab has been specifically designed to deliver our biocompatible MATRIX MCD® treatment to medical devices, dental implants, and orthopedic implants.

Synthetic Bone Grafting: An Overview of the Process, Terms, and Materials
Bone grafts help bones heal. Common cases that may require a bone graft include severe fractures, jaw reinforcement before dental implants, areas of missing bone due to disease such as cancer or bone infections, spinal fusion procedures, and artificial joint replacement surgeries.
Bone grafting is a dental, spinal, or orthopedic surgical procedure in which a bone replacement material is physically added to the area of missing bone. The goal of bone grafting is to have the patient’s own bone cells grow into the replacement material over time, eventually creating strong, healthy bone.

Himed Announces New MATRIX Dual® White Paper Publication
As the medical industry continues to explore the conditions for successful implant integration with the human body, closer attention is being paid to the surface morphology of a given device. That “closer attention” is taken quite literally in our latest white paper. In it, four case studies are reviewed that use advanced scanning technology to characterize—at the submicron and nanoscale level—surfaces treated with our two-step MATRIX Dual® process.

The Best Possible Outcome: The Importance of Post-Processing to Optimize Surface Morphology in Spinal Implants
Here at Himed, we are gearing up for the BIOMEDevice and the NASS trade shows in Boston. So we started asking ourselves what we were most excited about in orthopedic advancements in general, and spinal health in particular. The answer—perhaps not surprisingly for a surface treatment company—are the benefits that patients experience when spinal implants undergo optimizing surface treatments after manufacture.