Fascinating Fun Facts About Shark Teeth!
Nature Craig Rosenblum Nature Craig Rosenblum

Fascinating Fun Facts About Shark Teeth!

Let’s just dive right into this next topic - pun intended!

As a graduate researcher working in a materials science lab aimed to characterize the mechanical properties of dental enamel, shark teeth were always fascinating to me. Unlike humans that go through phases of temporary deciduous teeth and permanent adult teeth, the growth and evolution of shark teeth is remarkably different.

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How Could Dinosaur Bones Support Such a Massive Load?!
News, Nature Craig Rosenblum News, Nature Craig Rosenblum

How Could Dinosaur Bones Support Such a Massive Load?!

The world’s biggest tyrannosaurus rex is believed to have weighed 9.8 tons, or 19,500 lbs.

Once the question, ”so, how do you even weigh a dinosaur” is addressed, the second natural question to ask is “how could their bones support such a massive load?”

New research recently published in PLOS ONE addresses the latter.

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