The Best Possible Outcome: The Importance of Post-Processing to Optimize Surface Morphology in Spinal Implants
Here at Himed, we are gearing up for the BIOMEDevice and the NASS trade shows in Boston. So we started asking ourselves what we were most excited about in orthopedic advancements in general, and spinal health in particular. The answer—perhaps not surprisingly for a surface treatment company—are the benefits that patients experience when spinal implants undergo optimizing surface treatments after manufacture.

Answering the Calls: 30 Years of Himed History
As President of Himed, Ed Garofalo oversees a business that’s now a leading global provider of cutting-edge biomaterials and surface treatments for the dental and orthopedic industries. Yet thirty years ago, if you went looking for Ed, you’d find him working with metal coatings for engine turbines at a family-owned business in New York called Hitemco.
Of course, engine turbine parts and a hip implant don’t have much in common on paper, but it’s safe to say that the finish on both had better be unquestionably precise before they’re put to use.

A Basic Guide to Key Benefits of Hydroxyapatite Coatings for Orthopedic and Dental Implants
It is not uncommon to encounter the term hydroxyapatite (or its abbreviations, HA or HAp) when reviewing information about dental or orthopedic implants. This short primer offers a basic overview of why HA coatings have become a much sought after surface treatment by medical device manufacturers seeking to optimize their implant designs.