Regrowing Cartilage in Mice May Mean Good Things for Arthritis Treatment
Innovation, News, Bones Craig Rosenblum Innovation, News, Bones Craig Rosenblum

Regrowing Cartilage in Mice May Mean Good Things for Arthritis Treatment

Researchers at Stanford have good news for the future of arthritis treatment. In a paper published in Nature Medicine, Stanford professors and visiting researcher Matthew Murphy, PhD discovered a method that resulted in the regrowth of cartilage in mice.

That’s pretty remarkable when you consider up until now, the medical community believed that once cartilage was gone, it was gone for good. Losing this critical layer of tissue between bones is what leads to the pain of arthritis and it can be lost through injury or just plain old age. Most of the treatments we have now involve invasive surgeries like joint replacements or long-term pain management regimens.

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