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Our new, new website launched this week!

Welcome to the completely new, and greatly expanded, version of our website.

When we started the website update project about six months ago we divided it into two parts: 

Phase 1: Move the site to a new hosting service and launch a “slim” version of the site… new look, new location, thin content. That “new” site was launched April 1, 2020.

Phase 2: Build out the new web site and include more sections and detail about all Himed has to offer to our clients in the dental and orthopedic markets.

Naturally, we needed to feature the many biomaterials Himed manufactures, but we also wanted to share the full range of unique forms that we can produce: everything from biocompatible coating powders to cast shapes which can serve as testing substrates for research and development projects.

One of the most important content additions was an expansion of information about our MATRIX line of surface treatments which Himed has developed to meet client demand for exacting customization of medical parts requiring biocompatible textured surfaces or specific color anodization.

All that, in addition to more information about our analytical lab and an overview of Himed's history, will help folks learn who we are, what we offer, and our commitment to products which help people heal.

This week, with the launch of the “new, new” site, we have completed both phases of our plan and we're thrilled with the results!

While we were working on the new website, we ran a parallel project of building a new product catalog. If you ever wanted to know more about what we do then you can request our product catalog here.

I hope you enjoy the new website (we had fun designing and populating it) and please let us know what you think!

- Dana