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Ceramics Expo 2024 - The Great Variability of Hydroxyapatite: Exploring Different Forms and Unique Materials Engineering Applications

Presentation by Craig Rosenblum, Himed President
April 30, 2024 | 1:00–1:50 PM | Novi, MI

With hydroxyapatite (HA), as with all things in nature, there is a high degree of variability. This can be most readily appreciated when comparing SEM images of HA manufactured with differing processes. Recognizing that the material properties of different forms of HA can dramatically impact a host of outcomes like flowability, dissolution rate, and cellular adhesion, it is important to understand two things when sourcing hydroxyapatite:

  1. What are the functional objectives being sought from the hydroxyapatite?

  2. What are the material properties most likely to yield those functional objectives?

This presentation offers researchers and medical device manufacturers insights into how a biomaterial like hydroxyapatite can be customized to better support the efficacy of implantable medical devices.

Please join Himed’s President, Craig Rosenblum, in conversation with Shawn Allan, VP of Lithoz America and Parimal Bapat, Principal Engineer from Orchid Orthopedic Solutions. The panel will be moderated by Tim Keenan, Assistant Professor of Biomaterials Engineering, Alfred University.

Part of Ceramics Expo Conference 2024
Panel: Improving Medical Implants with 3D Printed Hydroxyapatite and Bioactive Glass
April 29–May 1, 2024 | Suburban Collection Showplace | Novi, MI

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April 24

MRS 2024 - Mechanical Properties of Hydroxyapatite Coatings via Plasma Spray Deposition

June 10

Materials 2024 - Surface Treatment of Medical Devices: Enhancing Biocompatibility and Bioactivity