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AM Ceramics - Advancements in Bioceramic 3D Printing with Calcium Phosphate

Presentation by Craig Rosenblum, Himed President

In the realm of 3D printing, technological advancements are occurring at a rapid pace, yet the significance of high-quality materials remains unwavering. Calcium phosphate materials play a crucial role in bioceramic 3D printing, enabling remarkable advancements in the fabrication of complex structures with biomedical applications. In this talk, titled "Advancements in Bioceramic 3D Printing with Calcium Phosphate," we will delve into the significance of these materials and their impact on the field. We will explore the unique properties of calcium phosphate biomaterials, their biocompatibility, and their ability to mimic natural bone structures. Furthermore, we will discuss the importance of well-characterized materials, which provide the foundation for precise, reliable, and high quality 3D printing processes.

This talk will highlight recent innovations, including the development of novel calcium phosphate bioinks and the integration of these materials with cutting edge 3D printing technologies. Join us as we uncover the untapped potential of calcium phosphate materials in revolutionizing the field of bioceramic 3D printing and unlocking new possibilities in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and personalized healthcare. This talk aims to inspire researchers, engineers, and medical professionals in advancing the field of bioceramic 3D printing with calcium phosphate.

Part of the AM Ceramics Conference
October 23–24, 2024 | BAM / Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung | Berlin, DE

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