Dana Barnard Dana Barnard


Interesting and useful article in BoneZone for these challenging economic times. Discussion of best forecasting practices between OEM’s and their suppliers. Article by Heather Tunstall, May 12, 2020.

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Data and perspective
Dana Barnard Dana Barnard

Data and perspective

We are probably all tired of news about the COVID-19 virus and we are definitely living with the effects every day. As individuals, as businesses, and as societies we will continue to have to make important decisions on how we will organize our lives now and in the future. Good data helps me make good decisions and keep things in perspective. Perspective is hard to keep when the news is about the coronavirus nearly 24 hours per day.

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Dana Barnard joins himed as CEO
Dana Barnard Dana Barnard

Dana Barnard joins himed as CEO

If you were given a choice as to the ideal moment to start a new assignment, you probably would not choose “in the middle of a pandemic”. Yet, here we are, and I happily started this great new opportunity as CEO of himed on April 1. The world will undoubtedly recover from this tragedy but, I am quite sure we will all operate differently going forward.

Himed is open and operating right now, and our company has established new ways to stay safe while providing products, services, and support to customers. We are happy to share with you what we are doing if it might be helpful in your operations. Likewise, we would love to hear your new best practices as you return to operation.

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Sharing our thoughts...the new himed blog
Edwin Garofalo Edwin Garofalo

Sharing our thoughts...the new himed blog

Himed has been around since 1991 and has been an industry leader in bio-active materials and surfaces for much of that time. One area that we haven’t led in is marketing and communicating to the world! On any given day we are talking to customers and inventing all sorts of cool, new stuff, but doing it rather quietly. Our sister company, Hitemco, once described themselves as “quiet on the outside, loud and lively on the inside”. That same description is perfect for Himed.

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